A friend shared her husband's theory on home repair the other day... it went something like this:
"You need me to install the $25 doggie door? I'll need to get the $140 saw to do that..."
Remember that barnwood siding that we bought a few weeks ago? The stuff that we are using for the trim work in the house? It all needs to be planed down to expose the deep red tone of the wood, so...
"You need me to plane the $1.50/ft baseboard and door casing? I'll need to get the $400 planer to do that..."
I stopped by the local Home Depot and picked this up today:

I had a chance to play around with it this evening and ran a piece of the Douglas Fir barnwood that we got in Corning thru it. After a couple of passes I had about the prettiest piece of wood I've seen... until I ran one of the Redwood beams thru it. I am so stoked. We are going to have the coolest fireplace!
"You need me to install the Pine paneling in the kitchen? I'll need that $269 air compressor and 16 gauge nailer to do that..."
I also picked up a Porter Cable air compressor and nailer.

I'll get to test it out next weekend when we install the hardwood flooring that was delivered to the house last Wednesday.
Judy, please tell Jim thanks for indirectly giving me permission to buy a couple of cool new toys!
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